Fire Explorer Program

What is Exploring?

Exploring is Learning for Life’s career-education program for young men and women age 14 (that have completed the eighth grade) to 20 years old. 

Fire Exploring

Fire Exploring gives young people valuable insight into the fire service profession by offering hands-on career activities.  This insight will help the individual to decide whether or not he or she desires to pursue a greater role in the fire service.  By participating in the Fire Exploring Program through UPRFPD, participants will gain personal confidence, responsibility, leadership, and teamwork values.  Fire Explorers will be given the ability to experience firsthand what it is like to be a Fire Fighter and Emergency Service provider through firefighting and EMS training including riding along during actual fire and EMS calls. 


  • You will develop leadership skills, a new personal skillset, and respect for firefighters and other explorers

  • You will learn Emergency call protocols, firefighting policies and procedures, team building, and proper equipment usage

  • You will have an opportunity to participate in firefighting training scenarios and network with Fire and EMS Service professionals, Wildland Fire Fighters, and Explorers nationwide

  • You will learn about the educational requirements for a career in Fire and Emergency Service and will receive tangible advice on steps you could take now to prepare and position yourself for a successful career in this field.

When do meetings take place?

Meetings typically are held on a monthly basis during the school year.  Most programs parallel the high school calendar and begin in the fall.  We will be gearing the program to be flexible enough to fit in with other activities such as sports, band, or other after school clubs. There will be a $2 club participation fee due at the first meeting of every month.

For more information on the program or to turn in an application please contact:

FF Mark Fleming: (970) 420-3458 

FF Steve Bradford: (970) 749-4383 

FF Corey Adamy: (970) 367-8509